Sanduni Foreign Employment

Operating Income vs Net Income : Analysis & Differences

Operating income is what is left over after a company subtracts the cost of goods sold (COGS) and other operating expenses from the sales revenues it receives. However, it does not take into consideration taxes, interest or financing charges. Operating income includes expenses such as costs of goods sold and operating expenses. That is why […]

LimeFX Review: Is This a Scam or Good Forex Broker

LimeFX is sponsored by VISA and MasterCard, which is another reason to trust it. Moreover, this is a reason why all transactions are done without commissions. One of LimeFX’s most exciting features is SMS analytics. Traders can avail of the application from the site. A $500 minimum deposit is held cheapest among LimeFX’s offerings. […]

How to Start Making Money with Forex: A Beginners Guide

But maybe you how to make money on forex have a balanced portfolio in place, and now you’re looking for an adventure with some extra cash. Provided you know what you’re doing — please take those words to heart — forex trading can be lucrative, and it requires a limited initial investment. Active trading strategies […]

100 Japanese yen to US dollars Exchange Rate Convert JPY USD

For the 2025 signing period, the pools range from $5.1 million to $7.6 million. Teams that lost top free agents get more money and those that signed those free agents get less money. Teams can also trade for international signing money, although the amount is capped at 60% of the initial signing pool. Compare our […]

What will mortgage interest rates be in 2025? Experts weigh in

The stock market offered mixed Trading tools signals as trading opened Wednesday, with stocks already buoyed on hopes the Fed would deliver its first interest rate cut in four years. U.S. stocks ticked up immediately after the Fed’s announcement before losing their gains. The S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average and Nasdaq composite all ended the […]

Forex Economic Calendar

Keeping up with every central bank meeting and GDP report can feel like trying to juggle too many balls at once. That’s where Economic Calendars come into play—they’re like having a personal assistant who reminds you of every important date. In this article, we’ll explore the top Economic Calendars to help you effortlessly stay on […]

Best Forex Indicators for Day Trading OpoFinance

Before you start to day trade forex, it’s important to outline exactly what you’re hoping to achieve and be realistic about the targets that you set for yourself. A trading plan defines your objectives and how you’ll work towards achieving them. The Forex market, a global arena for currency trading, is renowned for its staggering […]